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Ideal Logo Design Price For
New Logo Designer

A logo is an important aspect of any brand’s identity—typically it’s the first thing a potential buyer sees, so choosing a logo that stands out from the competition is key. However, what is an ideal logo design price for a new logo designer? 

You should assess the cost of logo design against the quality and value you will receive, just as you should with any other business expense.

Let’s take a look at the cost table very quickly and see how much and why you should ask that logo cost.

Here’s how you should decide an Ideal logo design price for new logo designer

Logo design price

Quick Guide

Price Chart For Logo Designer

Price Chart
Let’s Learn All About
Graphic Design. 

Today, people might not look at the nature but they most certainly will look at their smart phones. And therefore, learning how to make brands visible digitally to the right target audience is a must to learn today.

We have the best, affordable student design courses for you to begin today with in-person consultation.


"Why" behind each pricing structure

Logo Price Chart


$10 – $50

$199 – $399

$399 – $1000

Who Should Quote This Price?

New Designers,

Online Service Providers,

New Business Owners

Designers with less than 10 clients.

Intermediate Designers,

Designers with more than 50 clients.

Expert Designers,

Designers with high experience,

Designers with more than 100 clients.

Who Should Use This Design?

Low Budget Clients,

Time Sensitive Requests,

Urgent/Ad-Hoc Need

Small business owners,


Clients who are still testing what’s working for them.

Business owners with good design process understanding and want to increase brand awareness with brand identity.

Large enterprises looking to revamp their branding

Successful Technique

Start with $0

This guarantees that you have some clients to deal with before going out into the market and requesting a quote.

Because everyone wants to hire a professional, the ideal logo design pricing doesn’t have to be too high at first. And to do so, you’ll need to expand your portfolio.

If you are not a trained designer and just starting out, it’s important to have design experience. And you can get that by offering your services for Free.

Once you build a portfolio and have amazing designs to showcase, move onto the next phase.

Successful Technique

$10 - $50

You can now quote a price range of $10 to $50 if you have at least ten clients. The reason these costs are so low is so that you can continue to develop your customer list and branch out into new areas of design.

You can raise your asking price and, with it, the quality of your logos once you have a continuous client flow.

Remember that the more time you spend on a design, the higher the cost. As a matter of fact, time is money. This is especially true for designers.

Successful Technique​

Once you’ve built up a solid clientele, you can ask for a pricing range of $199 to $399. There will always be clients who wish to collaborate with you.

Why do you think that is?

Because your portfolio and the number of clients you’ve worked with demonstrate that you’re an expert in that field.

It makes no difference whether you use Adobe Illustrator or another design programme. What matters at this point is how much high-quality material you can deliver to the client.

Knowing how to talk about this price with a client, on the other hand, is a whole different matter. I’ve included one Free Jaw Script at the end of this blog that you may use with your clients to help you land more business in the future.

Successful Technique​

$399 - $1000

You’re an expert in your field. You’re familiar with the layout. You are the expert in this field.

You may now deal with huge brands by offering a variety of design services, such as branding, visual identity, rebranding, and more.

It will be a piece of cake to land any huge brand to recruit you once you have demonstrated your previous work.

There are a few design agencies, like us at Conqr, that charge a lot more for a branding package, but that’s because the big design agencies have their own staff of designers.

You can do the same thing with fewer quotations and well-thought-out research.

Bonus Jaw Script

Hi [Client Name],

Hope you are doing well!

I came across your online brand, and I think what you’ve done in terms of user experience is fantastic. I had no trouble finding my way around your website.

With that , I’ve noticed that the logo you’re now utilizing may use some work. I have a few ideas that I’d be happy to discuss on our free consultation call.

And my logo fees ($10 – $50)* are quite reasonable.

Looking forward to a positive response!


[Your Name]

*The logo charges vary from $10 to $50 depending upon the kind & complexity of the logo.

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